Prof.Emmanuel Gdoutos

Prof.Emmanuel Gdoutos

Is Full Member of the Academy of Athens. He is Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, European Academy of Sciences, Academia Europaea, International Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Mechanics & the American Academy for the Advancement of Sciences. He is Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences & Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Doctorate Honoris Causa of the University of Nis of Serbia, the Russian Academy of Sciences & Democritus University of Thrace. Fellow of many international societies. He served as President of the Society of Experimental Mechanics, the European Structural Integrity Society, the European Society for Experimental Mechanics and the International Congress on Fracture. He received many awards from professional societies all over the world. He served as President of many national and international conferences. In 2017 he chaired the 14th International Conference on Fracture held in Rhodes, Greece. In 2015 the journal Meccanica devoted a special issue in his honor. He is honorary citizen of the municipality of Lesvos (Greece). He authored more than 300 technical paper and authored/edited over 40 books.

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